Thank you!! <3
Thank you so much!
I do remember you! I remember every little thing when I used to play. Good times. Infection was so good I kinda miss it. Hope you're doing okay!
I remember :( good ol times. Hope you're doing okay during this quarantine
I'm here whenever I can!
Well... it's been what? 4 years since I'm not a mod? Cool, huh? What am I now? Uh... a stressed college student who loves Red Velvet.
Heeey sis omg
That’s great, keep fighting
I am doing well thanks :) hbu?
Aw hi Krissy I missed you too :( I'm doing well hbu?
for what o.o
Well I've been in university and working. Also learning about myself and stuff
I’ve been good. How about you? :)
Hiiii omg I’ve been growing :)
Hi cjfjfn
Hi omg
Yeah I remember you, I just found the password to this and I just wanted to check :)
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