Everything's good, hbu?
Hello there friend
Aw I'm glad to see you're doing well, and same. I miss those days so much :(
Everything is good for now, how about you??
Panda omg hi
Support. I've known you since 2013 and I can tell you're a very kind and mature person. You'd be great as a mod, good luck!
Thank you! I remember you, nice to see you again! And I've noticed that too, that's a very good thing :D
Happy birthday!!
I do remember you!! You’re very nice and sweet. I hope you’re doing good as well!
Thanks! And yeah, sometimes it can get very very boring. I’m almost done with school so when it’s over I have nothing to do
Of course you can
Both of them are bops. If you just started to listen to them, I'm here if you have any questions hahah
Hi! I hope you're doing okay and I also hope you remember me
I've been doing okay for now, with lots of schoolwork and stress. How about you??
Thank you so much! It's great to see mods replying here, makes me nostalgic :sorry:
Hello dear Madi! Hope you remember me
Thank you! I remember you I recognize your username, so it's great to see you around again as well!
If your ign is still Scorvix, then I do remember you! Glad to see you again
You're welcome ❤️
Oh that's great, congrats on the transfer! Hope everything works out for you. I'm glad you're doing fine