Hes perm banned... shouldn't we close this? @Van
Can I join team owners? :t:
Thanks :) I will try my best to fix it.
The reason I made a new one was stated in the last thread :) http://www.mineverse.com/threads/00-markocatwithers-mod-app-00.57456/
Intro: Hi my name is @Marko The Cat you may have seen me on the forums from time to time. I appreciate you looking at my mod app. So without...
when a cakes so messy you have to fold it to eat it...
you dont know me do you?
bump :D
Thanks :D One does not simply ask for a cookie.
@Nightfire @MaxNinja10 @GizzBots @larrythebird101 please close this, I will make a new app as this one was a bit flawed.
le bump
Support :) this would help project Atlantis so much :)
I never said I will only report if I was a mod :).
I know that. what I am asking is that they fix it :)
Officially more positive ratings than cyp...
Once again may I ask how to earn your support? :)