Tell me you don't know me.
TheBunny27. Jokes aside, support!
Now that I think aboout it, they could also respond to reports in-game, just not go actively seeking rule breakers. Also, they could focus more on...
Currently being held captive.
Just tell me you don't know me so I can leave. Someone's holding me captive, and they'll only set me free if someone gives me a tbh.
This is a simple suggestion, but I think it would help a lot. I suggest we have moderators just for the forums. They won't have powers in-game,...
You have done well child, welcome to the cult of pokemon go. Which we play E V E R Y D A Y
I'm entitled to my own opinion blah blah blah. It's not that I think you're a bad guy or all, but you really can't trust people these days. Sorry...
This is kinda my fault for not remembering, but it seems you just edited the post where you responded to that. But I'm gonna go ahead and give you...
Changing to no support. If you advertise in-game or on your signature, it shows you're a little bit desperate. Good luck though!
Nice job mate! Support!
Markocatwither ;)
You're a dead man.
What!? No, no, no, no! TheBunny27 has raided my garden!
If I win, instead of changing your name to "Marko the Cat jr" please change your name to "Ronald Reagan jr"
*Copy and paste message that can be applied to pretty much anything*
It never ends
But the worst part is, just when you think you’re safe, just when you think you might escape the spawn camp…