wai u nut mud yet liek rly coem un bruh
Bump you need mod like Now! :)
Support! C:
GG GIANTS!!!!! 3-2 GG!!!!!!!!
Pffffffffff its 3-2 Giants got this
3-2 Giants got dis!! :D
Ommmggg 2-2 Game i think Giants will take the lead this inning
all that i did with you for nothing :t:
Thats Cypriot XD
wuts yo skiap?
er meh gerd wehre ded dis nub coem frm :t:
You Need A LOT More Detail and space out your Questions and answers and you are only a new member try to get to Well known Member to get mod ;)...
Support!!! :D
Dat hawt fish doe
</3 ;(
No Support... 1. Not NEARLY enough Detail 2. i banned you on Creative a while ago Because of how rude you were.. 3. ur a new member
@Gemmalove @Lola Perez @MiningCreeper454 @PandaBear__ @kitkat6605910 @Glaadiator @PinkStr3ak @Pile_of_Butts @fryzigg @FadedChristi @Livvy...
Obsessed with Pickels