Support :)
Just so u know i have been "Rude" for a reason.
i have a feeling mine is gonna be bad :3
this reminds me of this. FREE PRIVATE ALTS!!! MSG ME!!! all i need is your credit card numbers and again. ITS FREE!!!!!
ily2! and no Support :3
awww tanks buddy
not enough detail and its to much like stronghold and to many camping spots
No Support
with cypriot now a days 75%
@CypriotMerks Promote this person to! hes perfect like the other 1s you promoted! ;)
@CypriotMerks promote this guy like NOW!! hes perfect to go along with the bad people you have been promoting. keep up the Horrible work cypriot ;)
@JustAnotherNoob @MiningCreeper454 and @kirbyo32 ;)
yyyeeessss P.S u might want to change that it says guard application
default get normal money for selling ores at the mines and titans get twice that amount and so on.. its a multiplier for how much money you earn...
Banned for bad spelling
banned for discrimination
yeah.... this is a scam....
its about time you got mod u should have gotten it years ago
Grave dug much....
No support! for many reasons