Lol get banned got you ddosing me eZ too bad to get better comebacks than me so u have no choice but to ddos me
Answer Skype omg
Come back D; a bunch of other ppl have including me so we r all waiting on u
I heard there's spyware in windows 10 correct me if I'm wrong plz
1. Your IGN: xXOXO 2. The offenders IGN: Speculations 3.What rule they broke: Ddosing me 4. Evidence: They DDosed me 3 times this being the 3rd...
Can't stop listening to 5sos
Ok @PandaBear__
happy bday
@AgentWifi help pleez????????
@Ares_Xena help can u move this to the right section?
OMG idk how to report this some mod please help me out @KingAlex
.1 Your IGN: xXOXO 2. The offenders ign: iHasNoPing 3.What Rule They broke: He is flashing his kill aura 4.Evidence: [MEDIA] if you can skip to...
Slight tense derr
@PandaBear__ help Idk where to put this
1.Your IGN: xXOXO 2.The Offenders IGN: Evacuating 3.What Rule They broke: Hacking/Kill Aura 4.Evidence:[MEDIA]
So you like bad girls >:) good cuz I'm bad at everything
New account .