LOL!!! Drama alert much.
@Rodeen that is messed up ;'(
Haha lol just drag it from pictures C; You can't do it on profiles.
Can you PM me a good VPN, also do you use VPNs 24/7?
A pufferfish with a collar. On the collar's name tag say Collars. :)
A pufferfish with a collar on the collar's nametag say Collars.
I know, going to an Art College 100% scholarship.
Yes, home made :)
You're so scary :( I think this is you Thats how much you scare me :( I cri
Can I get a Puffer Fish with a collar? Maybe say Collars on the top! :)
Never heard of that :)
8th Gratz Guys!
why u got me banned
Thanks for looking at my appeal... hope you understand
I was joking around with you. We do it all the time?