My profile pic says it all.
Who got it?
My little boy is growing up. :')
CosmicGalaxy32 Played KitPvP 2013-Present
No Mod :(
RIP Herf
Your name: CosmicGalaxy32 What you want it to say on the picture (only your name, example: Teagan): CosmicGalaxy32 Your minecraft skin:...
What does it do?
Title isn't true. Nice TBH
In game name: Collars Why you want this money: I am a titan, but 5k will really help me rise. I am not the best, but 5k will HELP me get better. I...
Number of promotions on next wave: 4 Date of next promotion wave: July 11th
AFK I see :)
We should talk some time. Our poke wars are sick!
∾ In-game Name? Collars ∾ Do you have a Donor Rank? If so, what rank? Titan ∾ Will you be able to get on 6/17/16 AT 7:00 EST? Mhm
What's up my dude! It's me Cosmicgalaxy32
skin: ign: CosmicGalaxy32 Style: Chibi Position: Waving hello
I recommend doing a trick that goes with EULA. You want to make the kitd buyable for some money ingame. But the donors don't have to pay.
You thought I would stop?