wow rude
Bruh start a convo with him on forums
that brought back old memories
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempmuted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
if this is really the case then I am really a weasel. The only thing I support about this app is the no supports it has gotten
Try downloading gyazo or imgur that way it isn't a file but a link
its mine screw off
i did not consent to him changing his forums name colour >:(((((((((
for the culture.
im not used to seeing you with a disgusting gold name.. change it back cmon now
I quoted what you said as an example of what some people do to those who report them. The reporting system is fine now and shouldn't be changed to...
Not happening. If they feel the ban was unjust they can appeal it and not all bans are from reports. Also, like what tober said they can see it...
You're really digging deep for this one arent you, and sorry I don't generally trust people when they have such a long list of bans for hacking...
are you on bloody forums 24/7
what even is this?
the only way you will win is if I forget to check forums which happens alot