come back nerd im running out of people to bully >:(
then why even bother unbanning them??
sigh... a good percentage of the hackers we ban are closet cheaters with subtle reach/autoclickers/kb modifiers. we need more evi for those bans...
yeah this is a no from me.
fat yikes djryan pulled out the screenshots
can happen at times if youre near a slab or just even normal blocks at times depending on your version or maybe you just had a ping spike etc
or there's always the option of making a new op with some of the op suggestions and what not( COUGH REMOVE KB STICKS COUGH) and keep the old one
what he said ^
pov: too lazy to change back your pfp
fat f
no point in making unban all suggestions, there have already been multiple go read what multiple mods have already commented chest part is cool...
absolutely zero reason to hate on the current YouTubers, if they've done something wrong go make a report instead of calling them bad on another...
community maps alr exist probably just hasn't been put into rotation i like the weekly lb idea not daily though, if its weekly it gives them more...
weasel > ferret.
not really a "re-application" since you weren't a mod before, application will do fine. oh and no support, you've been muted seven or more times...
[HIDDEN CONTENT] Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempmuted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
dont think its an ip grabber more of some dumb form of a link so they get money? not too sure but check this out...
oh my i just realized who you are LOL not the brightest bulb :/