Being called a hacker is.something you have to deal. With, if they have proof they will report you and you can fight your case then.
In-game name:HyperPigman How much do you have on KitPvP: 1000$ What game-mode do you want money in return?: Prison
Nice to know my work was appreciated. ;-; K nvm I think all the mods do a great job, all of the older mods know that I respect them highly Out of...
Sad to see another player leave. Good luck in life
oh lawd
Is this meant to be something special?
There have been may threads about this. Tagging cyp or crew wont work. Wait for a moderator to rely and they can tag them for you. I expect this...
Because you're terrick
I said I was gonna flip my s*** if I saw another thread telling moderators what to do. It just did a 360 triple summersault
I like fish
I don't think I have actually congratulated you. Well, congrats here is my evidence. And yes I me a thread about this a the time, It was a big thing for me :3
I will check in my files when I get home and I will try that too.:)
I would've thought so.
Pile, you must be reading my mind, I was just about to create a suggestion about this. Although I doubt I would have the expertise to go into this...
Just a heads up , help threads are exempt from necroposting :)
This will require Cypriot, also dexsta, impersonating staff is a serious offence
You are on of the most helpful people I have seen on these forums in a long while.