I would like to say a quick intro. My name is Niki, so hello :D. I would love to help out the server a lot and I hope you enjoy and support my...
Can i please make a new 1 cause i think that this app has been spammed and possibly hacked.
Not my account, just my app. Well, my acocunt, not that i know of.
I dont know. My app was spammed. Can i make a new 1 due to spam on this?
I guess i will then
I dont think i can :/ am i allowed? I will if you say i can...
I do not understand. The part that i have been banned twice was spammed 5 times so i moved it up (where it was supposed to be) and i made it so...
I edited form what had happened. I just got rid of the untruthful things someone has put. They spammed it with one bit of info and changed the...
What do you mean no?
Oh i will add it.
No affense but every post i have been on you have said "No Support".
Support all the way! Just remember to double enter your separate points from the template. Make each point a different colour. Great app! Best of...
More info and try some colour. Make it stand out more and use bold. I will not support you unless more detail is added. Think of why you would...
Thats a lie cause i have seen him online when you was on. Support xx best of luck.
Ok guys. I didnt state an argument i just made a point. Can I do anything to make you support?
you didnt, you said that i should not have open for changes and i help people get over things and are generally nice.
Why me? All you have done is try to make my chances lower of beign a mod. I have been mature to you but you are just trying to make me seem bad. I...
I didnt know what bump ment and i dont see how making my app have less would help...
I said almost. Open for changes is just to help others understand what i say and things. I can ban if i am mod. I found out my timezone so i...