once you go mineverse, you never go back
dua is just so gorgeous
aaaaaand youre gone again :tearsofjoy::tired:
No support. It’s been two years since you have posted this application, yet, you have not taken in ANY advice from those who have given it to...
To everyone basing their opinions off of not enough reports- remember, reports aren’t mandatory for applying for staff. That’s what really makes...
anything can happen
Don’t want to be rude or anything, crew, you know how much respect I have for you, but... where was this big change when Mineverse had a big set...
no idea if I’m on here
Though, this may be out of Mineverses' hands, I am coming, and asking if people are having the same problem as I've been having for over a year...
we had a very muchlike love/hate relationship back then, but I enjoyed every second of it. at the end of the day, youve always been a good friend.
no support, how is this going to help the server?
mv been broke
this is funny
call out my name
Tb to promotion day :,)
I sense a lot of returning players incoming
I can now rest peacefully:)