greg u a playa as well all tryna act innocent
19 years old?
hi bb
do I expect Oompa Loompas to be playing mc? smh
Y'all short af lmao
It is, stop being a brown noser Casual.
Maxine hated me up until a couple days ago. Don't act like this is just because of her. It's a reoccurring theme every single time someone is...
You're telling me that if you needed to against Pile or Cyp, you would? That's almost comedic.
I don't care about Chipemunk or any other sycophant coming after me. People have unanimously accepted the server is dying to a point where threads...
Kinsey, don't ask me what the issue is when you obviously know. Mods live in fear of speaking out, including you. You are completely submissive...
@Gabby maybe she messaged me or I messaged her? Ever thought of that?
now all the other mods (even when they disagree) cower in fear of being demoted if they speak up
ur acting like you haven't known cyp for several years
it will never be fixed
eso es agradable de usted. es tan triste
que bueno. te recomiendo que vas a los paises con la cultura espanol. es muy ayudable. confia en mi. voy a espana y morocco en el proximo ano....
claro, estoy en espanol AP, es mi ultimo ano tristemente. me gusta mi maestra. me ayudo hablar espanol con fluidez (casi con fluidez) estas en...