I know what I'm doing, but still thanks for neutral :)
Really really thanks! I hope I could do something for you when I maybe maybe maybe will get moderator :) Still a huge thanks for giving me support!
Thanks for letting me now
Haha, don´t post farm to apply ;) Hope to see you around
I'll try my best to make you happy my dude ;)
Really thanks Porky! I try my best to do everything what a moderator needs :p
I try my best to be as active as I can! ;)
@Pile @Ordi @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks any staff resolve this please
Sorry, thanks. For people who want to know, I have an basic HTML code experience what can help the server too :) I edited the colors.
My favorite scene in Star wars is when you see Darth Vaders's face and when he tells that he is his father 0.o
I saw some teasers and it looks awesome
I like star wars too.
I've been waiting for this for an long time so here it goes ----------0---------- 5pp's Moderator Application Before applying Please do not...
There is literally nobody playing there ever
You are good in pvp'ing 0.o
bedwars is kinda dead nobody plays on it why do we even have it
Support, I would like to play this with friends :jim:
thanks for replying, I already fixed it
I guess you put so much work in it and it looks awesome :) I give neutral because it looks a little bit small
The map looks hot and there are spots to hide I see (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)