___Jeff___ 3 underscores on either side
could you come on skywars and tp me to spawn? im constantly falling into the void and the tp to spawn in buycraft doesnt work for skywars.
you got banned?
*when you dont know that he used to be a mod*
my pepes are still rarer than yours thanks for your service
cyp is taking a break. go on skyblock and check his profile.
why are you describing yourself?
[MEDIA] i was on a meme browsing session and this popped up in my suggestions on the side
mineverse skyblock? or skyblock.net?
i checked your profile and i saw boss member and i thought you resigned because on SB and other servers it says moderator AHAaaaaa
my bday is one day after yours lol
this entire paragraph was in the comment section of a 10 hour nyan cat video on youtube. im still listening to it. 4 hours in
What Is the Meaning of Life? To wonder too insistently what ‘the meaning of life’ might be marks you out as being somewhat heavy, weird or just...
same highlight it, click inspect, click the title, change whatever you want also i thought you were nice dude,
hey nice photoshopping skills. or you couldve done inspect