I'm skeptical, since I was in the team myself. But who knows, things may have changed. If you can somehow manage an average of 4 hours every day...
Are you sure you can do this: " Monday - 3-5 hours Tuesday - 3-5 hours Wednesday - 4-5 hours Thursday 4-5 hours Friday - 5-6 hours Saturday - 6...
Alma, honestly you should let go of things. It's been so long, I've matured. Everyone's matured. A few years down the road, you'll look back and...
and I certainly did that, didn't I? At least for a while. I never said "I'm the best Mod because I put in 6 hours a day for ALL my Mod time". No....
Support. However it's unlikely they would do anything about it for a while. My suggestion thread to reset Survival sat for over a year.
I don't play in-game, but you can drop me a convo.
Support, bump.
Okay, I don't know you that much. So no clear rating on support/neutral/no support. Just going to state some concerns. This does not necessarily...
I commented before, but I see no reason why I shouldn't comment again. Honestly speaking, you are the most capable and suitable candidate for this...
Your point is very valid, and I'm curious here. I hardly know Cotner, and thus my one-sided opinion in his application. If you don't mind, @PiLe...
About hoppers, it was disabled because you could use a minecart with hopper and a rail to just extract items from a private chest (someone else's...
Neutral, but edging to a support. - You should do more reports --> This sometimes has a correlation to your in-game activity. I hope you won't...
No worries. Not active on MV anyway.
I'm not playing on the server anymore, but I'm very sure that the community doesn't expect the staff to be online every moment of the day. I just...
I don't need to read your application fully to know that you are a great candidate for this position, and will be more active than most of the...
once you leave for a longer period of time, you come back and you realise that you've moved on from this section of your life and can detach...
I agree with Clxrity and Ares quite a lot. I'm glad that this thread has not been locked and archived, and that this hasn't turned into a flame...
just put whatever you seriously can commit