Support for the top two, no support for the last one.
Obviously tried that. Could not find one. If you happen to have found one, feel free to share.
@StrKillr Can you share why you don't support it?
More bumps.
I said I'd call you bad if you voted squid. Are you bad? :mad::confused:
He's going to be a lot of fun to play around with!
Minecraft has officially announced the new update: the Caves and Cliffs update. A couple of features that have currently been announced: The...
Don't believe we've met, but oh well.
The plugin has tested thoroughly (..I hope). But then again, most plugins break apart on the initial version. :PP If any errors should arise, I'll...
No Git errors to my knowledge. :confused:
Hello, Mineverse community, The regular Survival players have probably been slain by a monster or fallen to their death. Regardless of the how,...
Unfortunately that's not the right one. It's the spawn with mostly (either obsidian or) nether bricks. The one from years ago (2013/2014-ish)....
Perhaps my thread didn't make it clear, but I'm asking for the schematic of the first Survival server. The one back in 2013/2014. That world is...
Hahaha. So funny.
Support! This is simple to implement, and a good extra feature.
IGN: Ares_Xena Giveaway you are entering: Survival
A critical forum error occurred. AtomBow was accidentally banned from the forums. Can an administrator correct this? Thanks, Ares.
I'm fairly confident this is a troll post. If it is, it seems to have worked somewhat.
Hi there, Just wondering if you have the original survival spawn* saved in a schematic. It could be cool to rebuild it in the current Survival,...
The optional being pressing ''esc'' or ''E'' to escape your inventory. Anything else is unnecessary.