Bump :)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ItzYoBoiTazz The offender's exact ingame name:...
I'm going to full on support this, I'd love to see you as moderator and give the community the love and help it really deserves, support ;)
I respect all of your comments, I would be glad to fix every mistake I have done, and I'm very sorry for the comments, I will try my best to do...
I do agree with you, This is all correct what you are saying, I will be more active on my forum page and fill in more reports so you can see me...
Yes, I have just started coming back to the forums, thank you for your opinion, is there any possible way I could change it for you so you can...
Thank you. :)
Hello! My in real life name is Tyler! Nice to meet you and welcome to my application, I have been a member of mineverse over two or three years,...
Netrual, Reasons stated below * Your only a member * Seen no reports * Need to be more active on ALL Servers * Be a Little bit nicer, But Good...
I remember when you used to warn me and kick me and do all that stuff. Support. Need you back buddy. :)
I changed it.
I had expierences on, enderworlds, and skyknights. They were both closed. I have envolved from my mistakes. Thank you for your opinion! :)
Happy birthday buddy! :)
Support Good luck! :)
Thanks =)
Thank you! and I am on infection currently if you do want to meet up! :)
Thank you! Thank you too! :)