Meet ingame any time?
Nubxy no just me and @Sando3
Why dont I get promoted to server owner since cyp was demoted
Thanks for the support
So as many see bedwars is dead and even its system is dead and glitched. So I suggest doing the following: - Reseting bedwars by removing all...
Yes, the thing about hacking is making legit players rage that is what is fun about it other than that its nothing fun!
@Droppied I will give you one <3
I want both
Ahlan ya zalameh bitawfee2. Support your active and friendly
Neutral, - Hackers commonly use vpns and proxies its like we are ip banning them when they dont have an actual ip. - Some networks are family...
Thanks for your opinion I will try to fix them if you fall you will always live its lava fog not lava so its blocks not real lava and there are...
It appears that my pcs fan has broke for a week and the system boiled xD
If you really want that check minetime. No support we are already having a hard time with hackers.
Sorry for in activity my pc is broke