he moved to another server for other girls u late lol
that wasn’t even on edge.
dream on, homie
ok cool?
If you knew me, you'd know that I am as well. I just do it better than anyone else. Right? @Sando3
that time of the month?
dec 24th, 2018
no support. i personally think this is just a matter of you not having a good gaming chair.
firstly id like to say you kinda look like witt lowry and secondly id like to say imagine having a tacoma and not a dodge ram
good job u know how to use the internet
jesus christ lmaoo
[ATTACH] It was time for Greg to go. He had seen everything.
[ATTACH] i can't paint so here's this image of me from the internet rn
cough cough
liberals find his work offensive and racist please delete this
Roblox and maybe mc
not saying something like that but id just save a bit more. Shoot for 1,300 maybe?
id just keep saving ngl. i was going to build one but i struck gold and my bro givin me his pc he built for 2,800 ish lol