woah sir, Im a vegetarian...
You wot mates?
Older mod, don't play here as much now :)
Oot FTW !
What's your favorite LoZ game?
Ikr, with this server filled with weeabos xD
recall yet? xD
zeldaninjamonkey ?!? :O
you really don't remember me? you upgraded me to MVP remember? I used to be a mod :o
So many new mods ! :O
Thank you!
you funny
Hows it going my dudes
Thanks pile, Also I have 137 tril for the record (Just in case it is somehow lost when Im set back to Z)
Thanks :D xD, Nah I understand
Gonna be a freshman in a few days
Al-sew in the neewwwwwwwwwws, keemstar quits youtube!
good good
ikr dude, whats up?