PS4 only m8
support pls promote
I'm sorry that people liked this, Pile. I thought you were loved, not hated. Obviously I was wrong. :(
I hope you get demoted again
Maybe, maybe not.
Not worth seeing the staff not be online. It's good that it's broken. Means people won't complain about inactive mods.
Why wouldn't the run be gone?
I personally wouldn't wish that horrible position upon anybody.
Ty, was aight
Wasn't using it as an insult. You just chose to get offended by it, which isn't my fault. That's just how the "adolescent" mind works.
600GB. My average video of a hacker was maybe 30-40MB. So, according to that, you have, roughly speaking, 15,000 videos of hackers. Welcome to...
What is this... LOL
Greg why are you still here?
I thought this day would never come!
Wanna see mine?
No support, not enough colour!
Trying to think of a way this can be abused. Give me a minute.
I bump people off because it's funny when they make threads like this