Yeah will see what happens
Welcome back, been a while huh? You'd be surprised at the amount of old players that have somewhat returned due to this virus. Formerly...
I respect this, don't worry I definitely know what I am talking about :)
Same with me, doing not too bad with this whole quarantine stuff
Been a wee while yeah, keeping well?
Hello there :)
Link didn't work dude but yeah those were the days
sup b
Not impressed that Prison is gone tbh
I know, not good
We shall see what happens
Lucky for some, the boredom comes.
They need to keep everything on lockdown until numbers are staying low and continue to do so. 3 weeks isn't going to show this unfortuntely.
I'd give it even until after Summer.
I'm sure it'll go on for longer than that though
Boredom always takes me back here for some reason
Yeah another 3 weeks as of today, fun times ahead!