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I don't see how the user would be punished for doing this (ban, infraction points, mute?), but I do support.
You can PM me if you wish to know more about how to keep it forever.
I suggest Camtasia if you are just cutting and cropping videos. That's what I use. Try out the free trial. It lasts 30 days and then you either...
This has been suggested many times and CypriotMerks has said that this rank will not be added.
oooooohhhh Cali
where is it
ninjaio but I haven't been on that in foreverrrr
This was once actually a thing. There was an official thread and everything for it. No one ever had the rank and CypriotMerks removed it after...
lol I agree that no one would ever keep the transactioin ID for that long. I'm sorry for seeming aggressive in my previous comment. Maybe Mojang...
Xenforo is amazingly awesomely swaggly cool
yeah, and then I think to myself "idk what happened"
I feel that I can post here because I was the original owner of this account. That being said, (not trying to be mean here) but that $250 you...
ah well good luck getting it back
what happened to the old account? Your past account was originally mine. I sold it to someone then they gave it to you
well, the account's name. not my name lol