February 2nd
eh... no. You sent in a donation and in the "contract" upon purchasing it says that the kits and/or rank can never be refunded. No matter what...
I love you.
same here bro
yes, I remember that name. I'm doing great! How are you doing?
I bet my prison guide is outdated by now, but it's worth a shot to put in this thread....
Don't get me wrong, the map is great. But what I am worried about is that it reminds me too much of other servers. I have only played a select few...
I unblocked you
Do you guys not realize that he is from a country that does not fluently speak English? Of course he would have spelling and grammar mistakes....
I have no idea.what is your name on there
I don't play Minecraft and I don't think he does either
modded world at war zombie maps are sweet. mad I haven't tried them out earlier.
I play games with him almost every day. We talk all the time.
changed my in game name to MrBeefCak3