I think so too and im working on it ^-^
Trying my best already ^-^
Its okay that you have a problem with the app. But the reason that beïng a mod helps me actually helping people is that players will be more...
Goodnight peoplez :*
Im gonna go to sleep now and dream of tomorrow ^- ^
I only eat happy potato's the sad ones are tasteless x3
I hope so too baby =3
I want to report andrewsjw For heavy griefing on the main survival server He had no reason to do any of this! If you would ban him from this...
What do guys think of my nyw Profile pic? :>
There is no "i" in team. But there is one in "Win"
I actually play more on the server then i actually spending time on the forums of it. But i'll try to change that a round a little
Thanks! This helped quite much indeed! :D
I have some problems with that because im not actually from America or any country that has thay language as it´s natives tongue. So yes i...
xD #overattachedMonkey
Thanks fot the tip! I will try to be as active as possible :)
It will be done! =3
I have posted a Modorator app! Read it and think about it! :D
-How old am i? I am 16 years old (Bday 16/04/1998) -What is your In-Game name? jelmer3 -What time zone are you in? West Europe -What country do...
Hope you make it to mod Gal ;3
Heeya =3