ily2 <3
@baby_12_34 @theminecraftgal6 @emi9 @Awrightgirl @xXx_tina_xXx @norltedorp223 @Nicoledo2013 @luckypuppy24 ^-^
I put you in first :happy:
I would have loved to put you in first ^-^ But i got second too :facepalm: Luv you tho x3
1 day left in this test week! Only english left and that is the only one im gonna ace ;)
:hungover: Im just gonna go ahead and hug myself cuz my gf put me first :D Oh.. btw @baby_12_34 @Awrightgirl @theminecraftgal6 @xXx_tina_xXx...
Yaaay testweek starts tomorrow! :D (Just shoot me now im never gonna pass ;-;)
Testing Signature
I just finished watching "Guilty Crown"
Uh oh... I think i might be hooked to anime´s..
I fell off my bike while mountainbiking xD But my leg hurts like hell doe ;-;
Heeey ty for follow ^-^
Things come, things go, even if you want it or not.
Just waiting for the server to reply to my mod app.. :I Even when this is about League of Legents i still love the Clip and the song =3
Thanks for the amazing support ur giving :) It means alot to me.
Thank you gurl! :D
Im beïng as active as i can. <- Watch this! I omg, Omg, OMG I want may 2015 to be now!!!!
Thank you :D