Painting in CS:GO be like.
Just CSGO Things: Winning 15 - 2. Other team says "Wanna build a pyramid at long?" We agree. Build pyramid, looks amazing. 'Twas a fun game.
I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist it.
"She was looking kind of dumb with her finger in her bum and the shape of an 'L' on her a*shole." <3
VP lost to NAVI. :(
I feel like Christmas has come early when I get a team that: Communicates effectively, has good game sense and knows how to shoot a gun.
Gold Nova Master. Would be MG1 now if I won, but nope.
Just CSGO Things: Guy has bomb, B's clear, rushes through B doors to mid and dies. Turns out him and 2 others are deranking. I love solo Q.
I brushed my hair for you @Feurin <3
Hitboxes amirite?
Just CSGO Things: When Volvo changes all the gun sounds and they sound retarded.
When I saw you coming for me with the knife while I was reloading I was like "No no no no no no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Just CSGO Things: Playing against @Mio and getting knifed. :(
Was fun playing against you. My team was trash, I was the only one with a mic and they kept calling hacks and stuff, lmfao.
Pasha is a beast.
Why not.
Just CSGO Things: Winning 6-0, carrying your team. Ping jumps to 600+ and you lose 16-6. Love my net.