Deus vult, amico mio.
Cheers mate.
Bruh this suggestion is like 3 years old tf?
Papua New Guinea? Aye! Fuzzy wuzzy angel!
Ded :(
But if you miss the first shot, you're f*cked.
Alive and kicking, mate.
Nah mate. You see, Dropbears like to lull you in with friendly smiles and cute faces. And then, when you least expect it, they launch their...
Don't be fooled, ladies and gents. That there Koala is actually a very dangerous and elusive Dropbear. They will kill you. Be warned.
Um, what?
Woah, slow down champion. Take me on a date first.
Miss u 2 bby. <3
Suh dude.
I already live here. ;)
The Election. Doesn't matter who gets voted in, America is doomed.
RIP America.
NaVi outplayed em unfortunately. Guardian had an amazing game.