"Hello, hello? Uh, well if you're hearing this, then chances are you made a very poor career choice."- Phone Guy, Five Nights at Freddy's
My friend got me hooked on Adventure Time. All we ever talk about now. xD
"A thousand terrors I mean to cure, day by day, street by street, Templar by Templar"- Arno Victor Dorian
What has hands but can not clap?
The Friendzone. THE FRIENDZONE?!!!
I instantly fell in love when I heard these two words. No. Homework.
It's Veteran's day. Wearing my Dad's Cav Hat. #MightyProud.
Can't wait for Assassin's Creed Unity tomorrow!
Dumb and Dumber :D
Who needs friends when I have you. BED.
Support. You'll be great ;).
I ship these two so MUCH :D!!!
What is lighter than a feather, but can only be held under a minute?
The Walking Dead is.... interesting...
Viewing me, eh?
There's this feeling I got. Like something's about to happen. But I don't know what.
I have a head, a tail, but never any legs. What am I?
Yesterday I went to school and I heard someone ask their friend "Why doesn't that kid smile anymore?".
From a scale of 1 to 10, how symmetrical are you?
I can't lie anymore. I cut.