I'll pay 7.5k?
Oh I'll give 5k on kitpvp and 20k on factions?
What gamemode do u play?
Can you give the security question to?
How 140 subs no vids?
I'll join with my bad account cause on my main account im pushing to champs
You forgot me and then added me:)
It would lag so much
If they don't add potions back they should atleast not add them in the kits
My in-game name:Hulk3001 Lucky Number (1-100):13 Don't even need the $ but u bugged me about it so I just decided to do it
Been 10 days
How good is a nvidia GeForce gtx720 1GB?
It's been six days
In game name:Hulk3001 Why do you want the money:because B__K scammed me on Saturday and I became really poor after that Lucky number (1-100):11
Is he banned?
I'm titan
Well now you got titan
still haven't gotten it ill show another screenshot one sec