Support! Who cares if its the same design, It looks COMPLETELY different. It shouldn't be named, It should be the same name, but it always alters....
1. Name (totally optional) Henry 2. Favorite Food Tacos 3. Favorite Game Basketball 4. Favorite Movie/Show DBZ 5. Favorite MV member A sexy......
1. Your ign: Buntobaga 2. Do I Know you? No ofc not :t: 3. Why do you want to be a King Co-Owner?: Idk
Skywars now
@Obama #Thehypocracyisreal
Hi Foe, what have I ever done to you to make you so grumpy?
He's a bloody rat
Ditto [ATTACH]
It's been to long my friend.
Stop always complaining you moron. If you have a 100 dollar rank, your mum is nice enough. If you're so good at pvp, you must play a lot. YOU'RE FINE.
Lol, it wouldn't work.
You were one of the smart ones, fellow life force.
I can't convo you, so I just wanna say 1 thing: Goodbye, mate.
Mojang has been bought for 2.5bi.
The other 990 million?
Jesus Cyp...
Shotsbwere fired :)