I will, thank you I'm 13 years old my grammar is nothing seriously bad. Could you show me some examples of some misplaced commas and punctuation...
How is it poorly written? I was in-game and I'm about to go off for a bit. I used to do reports but rn my laptop can't handle recording as of now....
Thank you. I'm on right now but yeah I'll work on it.
If its been 6 months, support.
Could I know why?
Thank you, any feedback?
Elric, I know we've got a bad past but I hope we could be repair that. Any feedback? I started playing again, I've actually been on for 2 hours...
Bantz's Staff Application Preface Hello, my name is Mo. I've been playing this server for about 3 years and I started playing it again. I'd like...
You did a dank job, good luck in the future :)
No support, lower the font size. It lacks so much detail
No support ^
No support. I don't get why so many people resign then they re-apply for staff again, it makes no sense to me unless its been like 3-5months
Try to get more "known" on the forums and in-game.
-1. how will I know that you wont get demoted/resign again?
-1, just dont think you're ready
+1 we need asian staff