honestly, piss off. don't think you're a big just because you're staff on this server. this server is dead, I hope you realise that.
its a rating mate, dont get your panties in a twist
you should be TrialOwner+
vouch for staff
IGN: PineapplePimp Gamemode of Beaten Record: KitPvP 2 What Record Did you Beat: Richest Proof:...
nice :)
He hasn't been on forums for ages either so I don't see why you replied to it.
Why are you replying to a application that was made like 10 months ago...?
probably not :/
nope you're perfect.
@Janice999 lock this please. I guess I'm not ready yet.
What do you mean by my posts are inactive..?
A few of them were 2nd ban appeals and i think about 2 of them were incorrect. And they were all about 2 years ago...
If you can post proof of me hacking. I'm in teamspeak talking to you right now...