idk who you are 2/10
remove your in game filters thinggys
UPDATE: small patches of wheat have been added
UPDATE: beach houses and water huts will now be found Cant upload the pics due to errors... its been weird
UPDATE: parkour inside volcano: [ATTACH] volcanic hiding spot: [ATTACH]
UPDATE added tree piston hiding spot [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
There are some hiding spots in the map, like in the volcano and next to the trees, but you prob can't see them till the video coms out. But we...
We could use feedback
This is what I was thinkng... Do you think we should add anything?
edit it and post a screen shot of the volcano and inside of it
Well... here it is! hope you enjoy! SPAWNPOINT: the dock made by: Builders: @D1amondF1nder11 @Mangoorange @stealthbomber320 Idea generator:...
when does this giveaway end?
When its ready PM me the link so I can put it up there ^^^
Screenshot 1: An abandon logger farm Screenshot 2: An abandon bank Screenshot 3: An abandon lakeside cafe Screenshot 4: An abandon nature park...
wouldn't it be a tad bit crowed in there? /\ /\ /\
In case anyone is wondering, steam name--- D1amondF1nder11
you are allowed to bump once a day, I jut haven't gotten any comments also iv'e been more active on opprison than factions