So happy for you!! Grats!!! :D
Yr 6 formal [ATTACH]
Just graduated from yr 6, now it's high school.
Skype: N/A IGN: jadey64 Colour: blue
Thanks :P
Thanks :D Thanks :) Thank you :)
Great, it's upside down.... :(
I want it to be bannable, I hate spawn - killing, everytime I join I'm just standing there getting killed by a bunch of 8 year old titans,...
Hello! :)
Hey! :)
I've heard that excuse like hundred times..
Thanks for the info. Hi.
IGN: jadey64 Age: 12 Skype: jadeyiskewl Skill: Bows, Swords. Prestige: 10. Do you know me: Yes... :)
Why does the title say "Gods of Infection" then :t:
Hmm, Not sure about this, this happened to me once, but after about three days it started working again.
Are you in 1.8?
You probably died, has this happened in any other gamemodes? If this has just happened in Infection, it means that you've either died while voting...
If you reseted it, you won't lose your levels :facepalm: All it does, is fix up stuff, so like if you were to add more maps you would have to...