Downloading games on Steam takes so long! ;-;
Thanks :)
Thanks bro! :)
Thank you!! :)
Will do! Thank you! :) Yeah I remember you, you were my friend, I shared raids with you.... anyways..
Thanks man! :)
Thank you so much old friend :)
I was a old moderator on this server, And I've been on this server for 1 year and a half, I've been here a long time... When the server literally...
Gonna give it another bump.
I know this is late but.... WELCOME BACK!!!
They're making a game on it as well I heard.
Thank you all very much!! :)
Well... I GET 12 WEEKS HAH just kidding, i get 6, :P
Bump! :)
Thank you so much!! :)
I went two days with this pedo - monkey on my wall, and no sight of him irl, k.
Thanks!! :)
Call of Duty Battlefield Dead Island Dying Light FIFA 15 Watch Dogs Farcry 4