Agreed, thank you for your support, I would play considering on what platform? Xbox? Playstation? PC? Thank you very much! Care to take a look at...
Kill zombies it is then, if a player appears you'll have to run then, I was thinking that once you created a base, you can add friends to your...
Thank you very much!
Well that game mode ties in with this, but not really, I tried to seperate the differences with this game mode compared to that game mode, I've...
Thank you for your input, but reason why I kinda made their armour like that is so they're not like really strong and you at least have a chance...
I have no idea? Not sure if it were archived or if it is a few pages back, but thanks for your support Thank you very much! Anything you think I...
Hello there! Thank you for clicking on this thread?! Now time to talk about this suggestion I came up with! Also will be making more of these...
Add me on Steam just in case, JadenDoesGames.
Been a big fan of VanossGaming, and all of his friends.. Ali - A is pretty cool... KSI is pretty funny, espicially his Q-A videos.. TheRadBrad is...
A first person shooter mode, like Call of Duty, it can be done, I've had experience with making game mode's in the past on my friend's server,...
Is telling people your steam name called "advertising? Just wondering? Still a noob you know..
grats!! :DDD
Not sure if I supported but, if I didn't, I'm crazy... You were a great moderator in the past, doing what you were supposed to, getting it done...
Agreed with you, great idea, but for newcomers like me? Rent should be $150, giving you the chance to vote, giving you the $100 and then $50 for...
yes mlg, you've played the game of the year 420 blaze it right? definitely beats cod lololol
wow im still on the leaderboard for most messages, :3 hehe
my name is the Th3ArkhamKnight if you wanna talk ingame, i won't be on for much longer so ya, hi
people used to call me a fish.
Had a breeak from Minecraft, got a axbox one and played heaps of cod and battlfeidl, nice to see that eveeryone wishe me a happy birthday :)
It's my birthday, yay...