Ayyy thanks
Accept your defeat
I’m working anyways, this should’ve been placed later imo that way people have time
Yo did the tourney end?
Has the tourney ended?
Yooooooooo omfgggg I forgot it was todayy
It’s so that the system doesn’t think your trying to get a kit, personally I think it’s fine the way it is.
No reason why not to, support.
Fullmetal alchamest, brotherhood. Highly recommend
re-Support Good luck to us in the pvp tourny lol.
yo hop on, I gota tell u sum.. go op
Happy birthday! Hope it was a good one :)
Resupport, you deserve it ;)
Saturday the 11th?
u on?
no pvp xD
yoyoyoyooyoyo rematch rn, youll win but whatever
Wow I forgot all about the other half of it (what u just said). I didn't look at it this way, changing to support and good luck to you and porky.