Totally not using google translate, as you translated it incorrectly, lmao.
Great idea. :L you can "buy"(Free) a teleport to spawn at this link, reply back if it doesn't work.
I don't think my OCD can handle that.
Should've thought of that before you got yourself banned.
You need to stop making threads, rants and posts at staff because you can't even wait an hour to get unbanned, maybe take this time to think about...
Alright, I'm not your brother, I don't have one, so don't call me "bro". It has been 5 minutes since Taylor posted on your last thread saying she...
That's nice, what exactly does it have to do with this thread...?
Maybe if you waited 5 minutes patiently you'd get a reply.
You people really need to stop. This is a Moderator application, not a place for children to play and roll around in the snow, either have...
Not really.. if the people that banned you can wait months to earn Mod then you can wait a day to get unbanned.
Could always just turn brightness all the way up in settings, it won't be perfect, but it'll never be "dark".
You forgot being on top.
Terrible attitude towards players.
See, that's your problem right there, it's not about "Well I'll do this if I become Mod", no, you do it now. Mod isn't just something that's...
I don't think so.
First off, being a Mod isn't about demanding respect, it's about helping players on a greater level than you already do and benefiting the server...
I'd suggest not necro posting, you're not a wizard and it can get out of hand. @larrythebird101