Why do I feel like people mistake "Discussion" for "Your profile page", why not just make a status?
Pops just died.
You said you wanted around 10 minute recordings? I'd say around 15-30 mins.
Get a free installation of fraps, it'll be decent quality, uploads fairly quickly, can upload without a timeframe, a downside is that it isn't a...
To all the people giving this guy hate, you really just need to stop, he's quitting, make his last few days nice instead of like the soul-suckiing...
Cheating on Kitkat w/ @baby_12_34?
So.. the extent of a santa gift?
Some friends, but that's unlikely c:
There's this magic thing, it's called "Chat Settings", is that also a dead giveaway he has more than 2 IQ points?
He doesn't have an in-game rank, he's simply a Dev hired by Crew, works for all the servers he runs.
Neither Cyp or Noob deals with plugin changes, there's a Dev for that.
No support(Not that it matters) You have an enderchest, an enderchest keeps your and only your items for you, if you want to keep "valuables", you...
Tough question to answer, although I want to be happy, I'd rather sacrifice my happiness so that others around me can be, loved ones, friends.
Last day of school for you, 2 days until my birthday for.. me.. to spend alone.. lol... yea... kbai, thanks...
No. I think I'll stay.
Actually I think you're the one being racist, bud. Don't assume somebody is from a certain ethnic group.
How exactly would you know my ethnicity?