No, it's been stated that you can't apply for the position, it's like Developer.
It's not your job to care about staff reports, it's your job to moderate, if a player starts a flame war in a thread you lock it, they can report...
I removed everyone on skype and made a new one, PM me about it if you want.
Last application I'm ever going to comment on(Unless I come back in the future and make one, but eh) I support you fully Elite. You would make a...
Checking in, back on topic now, you can PM me about personal matters.
This is the exact reason I left this damned community, how about you all just stop? This has turned into a power trip over whether or not somebody...
There's the assuming again. See, you've got it all wrong, I want you to get Mod back, but for that to happen you honestly need to grow up,...
Sounds like hypocrisy, as you made an assumption I was "hating" on you and that everyone was against you. I'm not going to be part of an argument...
I don't really feel like you've changed at all. You're still the same old person who locked their Mod app and called me out to be a "rude and...
1. Ign: Vampiric_Hunter 2. What Theme: Christmas 3. What are you favorite colors? Red, blue, green 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) YT...
I'm older than you now c: btw hey Laura.
Well you talk about how you've been playing since the start of the server etc etc., you're not thanked by staff etc etc. Can I ask you, when was...
Just me or does pretty much everyone leave when they don't get Mod? Lol.
Good job on getting Mod and good luck.
Yesterday, nobody remembered, lol. Happy birthday.
Aye Pile
[IMG] I win.
Yea. Also you better still talk on skype.
There's 140 characters allowed, it would be enough.