Hope you get promoted to Global Mod, unlike some ;).
*Was not mentioned* You'll be missed, hopefully you can PM me the server name/IP but if you don't I guess this is goodbye, was nice playing MC...
You pretty much hated me and tried to mock me any chance you got, but that's stopped now, I actually will miss you because of a few reasons, one...
Somebody get this guy a forum ban Mod!
Any proof you actually had them?
Just get Mod, you really deserve it for more reasons than I can include in the character limit.
Hopefully you re-apply for Mod in the future, once you're absolutely sure you have the best intentions for the server and that it's something you...
"ban application" Make this guy Mod banned!
Of course he's gonna say he has 2 fps if you ask, but he gets around 40 fps.
Why not just post it when it's done?
What exactly are the people rated on? 100 I guess?
;) They have a plugin that shows logs of when you're using KillAura, AutoClicker, etc.
Ducky you got banned on ** for hacking right after I killed you lmao.
Coming from the person that used to scam people and downgrade, I agree with Staff having enough to deal with but you didn't seem to care back...
It's a positive rating but it's not necessarily "good", it's like sarcasm, or a slow-clap.
Thanks for the follow? ;-;
Shouldn't you be on top of Alix's bed... or her?
This is a rap?... 2015 is taking a turn for the worst.