Madison, Rachet, pops :t: :t:
Get out. Now. That excuse is so damn stupid, if they're so busy that they can't handle a report a week old then don't apply, geez.
Let the hate roll in.
Tube the scroob? :t
So in other words... the legion of mini-mods?
For the greatest illuminati eye ever. il·lu·mi·na·ti iˌlo͞oməˈnätē/ noun people claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of...
Thank you... It's not that I'm angry with Mineverse, life isn't going great, I'm not exactly an optimistic :p.
Holy , an attention seeker! These guys are rare. :lol:
No shoutout to me? Wow.. hope you get hacked again :t:
Isn't clever to give out your skype, people still do it.
Nice to see you around the forums again, Tube. I support you for many reasons, mostly regarding you as former staff, but also because I believe...
Thanks for being cancer.
Sry fr da flam3 war no ban pls. Jk, ban me if you want.
Wouldn't Youtube be a better solution?
How stupid can one kid get?
Support. Here are some things you can improve on: - Add more detail - Get to know the community
Still haven't passed me in messages and I joined a year after you, gg.
What do you expect? You live in her bed.