Are you really 49? Or are you some kid playing games with us?
Should I remind you that you're a BUILDER, not a MOD, and that you have no authority over other players whatsoever?
Just leave.
Bye don't come back <3
I didn't think it was possible, but you're even more condescending than Pops. A demotion is on your way.
hipster 4 unban @3yerrt deleted my thread abuse please plots reasons below she needs to be unbanned or the world is gonna end
PandaAssassinKid is an alt acc Anyone could of done it c:
1) As long as applications are up everyone has an equal chance to become a Moderator, tryharding gets you nowhere. 2) Your application will be...
There is no "best moderator" they either do their job or they don't, in which case they get demoted. Past a staff member not doing their job it's...
You're rude.
This kid is smart
Bottom line: No report/ban appeal should take more than 2-3 days to be handled.
You and Anna can share.
1) I kinda doubt the entire staff team is visiting relatives 2) If somebody can get on the forums, they can get on skype, if they can get on skype...
In his arms? Yeah.
You know you can't resist him :t:
So they've been stranded on an island for a week? They'd have to have to charge their phone... which requires being at home... with a computer......