The Shout Box was apparently on forums when it first came out It's a good way to chat and have a blast and I'm addressing below positives being...
The only thing the forums needs is the one the only SHOUT BOX.
It'd be as simple as sending em over to regular prison but they're on there so they can have their sex bars and all that as always for immature...
When you guys start taking the offenders side without knowing anything it really shows disbelief in the team, All you had to say was appeal and...
No mercy
Probably shouldn't be negative trophies although it could be entertaining to get them It would encourage more negative feedback and reactions to...
Cyp has Trust Issues I know for a fact this was brought up silently awhile ago and it was denied because of how certain members in the team could...
The name is what really makes me laugh, sorry gween but gotta be honest.
No sympathy here, You do the Crime you do the time.
Idk about you but really for all you know you could be false assuming things. Omg "Fudge!". Re support btw
False joke I don't have a dad whawuifiaufhawfak.
Meh I wouldn't mind I just think it was really human biased like almost every map these days.
Your back???!!! welp welcome back
It can be fixed but probably won't be for the purpose of free money pretty much. If you owned / Co-owned a successful server where players try to...
Support just for the picture xD
You did a good job sorry to see you demoted my close friend.
RIP Be back soon.
eh sounds like a bad strategy... I've tried that with the movie mirrors and now I'm scared for life.
That'd make it my new fav server..
Spoiler Alert!!! I suppose your dad dying at your mothers grave on the final episode must really be annoying yet sweet.