False reports in bound xD. I play on a sever now slightly bigger than here and this feature gets abused and spammed heaps. It'll make mods lives...
Reborn this is already kinda thing because if you didn't notice while you were mod we had a huge clean up day and applications like a year old got...
Being honest I want the next promotions to be a bunch of Re-promotions, You're the top of my list to be promoted just because well it's hard to...
Welcome back to the ex-mods, We still all love you.
I can understand why. I still wuv you.
@Prin I'm still here although I might go within the next few months if towny isn't released. @AthleticPsycho Thanks for mentioning me I honestly...
Why did I get mentioned!!!! I'm like gone. I was never here.
2k16 time.. We can only hope.
Sorry not coming back yet.. Waiting on towny.
Gonna have to throw down my ban hammer if I have to keep coming on and not seeing you with moderator title it's making me sad and angry....
Guys he's gone someone please close this.. It's stupid seeing it being bumped up by hungry posters.
Gratz torch
Told you eventually it'd happen good luck on your journey.
she's an old player in game so she has heaps of experience and has active member... just wow.
No support a fire sword really isn't a big deal, if you get swarmed you might die it all depends on skill in the end.
Only real advice I have with your application is to also add on with some of your previous names the link to your name through namemc.com which I...
He probably got his point across and to avoid any further off topic arguments stopped posting which was the mature thing to do, I think you should...
You're a very biased player both in game and on forums, You aren't mature enough for the position and this little reply you left on someones...
Tin I think van's bed is gone. EXPOSED!!
I quoted these two parts because they show some problems that should be edited out or not be there in my mind now I'll start with the Mature...