I like it and we need new maps, I reckon it needs more interior design though. Still support, just something to consider.
It was sooo long ago! I was mod 4-5 years ago oml
Damn, you'll be missed man :( Be safe.
Support. We need a few new maps.
wow made it to 10
The only thing I highly disagree with is adding fire swords. That would be way too OP and zombies would struggle to kill people. I also think if...
sexy sixy
Support, it's a great idea.
Nulla nulla beach I see welcome back
How old are you now?!
Unless he's lying about his age yesss how crazy. I started playing here when I was 13
Its crazy to think you were 13 when I first knew who you were, and you were a mod at like 11... and now we're both nearly 18 WOW
Bruv he's a terrible singer. We don't need his 'legacy' destroying our ears too <3
Can't wait for BlackZone to see this and regret his life damn
Seeing all these old names is bringing back the memories, damn.